Vision Action Broué Team

The English version of the entire website will be available shortly.

Vision Action Broué Team

Who are We?

 Who <span>are We?</span>

Municipal elections are fast approaching everywhere in Quebec. In Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, voters will have the opportunity to give themselves a dynamic voice on municipal council with Vision Action Team Broué.

Vision Action Team Broué is a team of candidates keen to properly represent their fellow citizens where it matters, that is to say at the forefront of decisions made in the City of Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts. Why this name? Because the team's first word, VISION, represents the current and future goals of this team dedicated to the well-being of their fellow citizens. ACTION refers to the wishes of its members to be and remain active in their community. The whole forms a single team, the BROUÉ TEAM, a political formation of 7 diversified members, strong of a solid experience, but also a burst of freshness with 3 new candidates.

Frédéric Broué

Candidate for mayor of Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts

We are at your service

Electoral Program 2021-2025

 Electoral Program <span>2021-2025</span>

It is with a great deal of enthusiasm that VISION ACTION TEAM BROUÉ presents its electoral commitments to you.

Our strength, is our experience!

 Our strength, <span> is our experience! </span>

Click on the photo or name of one of our team members to view the candidate's CV.

Come support the Broué Team

 Come support the Broué Team

Vision Action Team Broué is a team of candidates keen to properly represent their fellow citizens where it matters.

Vision Action Team Broué

Our Mission

 Our <span>Mission</span>

Vision Action Team Broué’s mission is to listen to citizens. “First we want to improve all direct services to citizens. All our efforts will be deployed in this direction through concrete planned actions”, insists Mr. Broué.

In particular, the Broué Team wants sport, leisure and culture to take pride of place in the daily lives of Ste-Agathe residents. The environment, infrastructure and the development of business parks must be at the heart of decisions for a better future. “Our ultimate goal is to see our children and young adults able to live here, to establish their families here and to prosper,” said candidate Frédéric Broué.


Nous sommes diversifiés, créatifs, professionnels et à l’avant-garde. Notre objectif est d’offrir aux citoyens un milieu de vie où il fait bon vivre dans le respect de tous.


Téléphone : 873-455-2436
Courriel : Écrivez-nous!
Facebook : Aimez-nous!

Autorisé et payé par Sophie Roy, Agente officielle.